Our Services Explained
We will undertake a concise and detailed inventory of a property prior to the start of a new lease; the report will list all elements of the property including any furnishings, providing details of their condition at the time of the report being taken.
A copy of the report is then provided to the agent/landlord and tenant. Tenants are given the chance to review the report and make any additional comment should they feel some detail has not been provided. Such additional comments are considered by the inventor during the re-check.
Once a lease has ended Source will return to the property and, considering the details provided in the original inventory, produce a re-check report highlighting all the changes that have occurred during a lease. It is at this point of the process that the benefit of using an independent inventor is most obvious, as the trained inventor will make informed decisions on what is regarded fair wear and tear, the amount of cleaning required to return the property to the condition in which it was first provided; and significantly the levels of charges that may be required due to excessive wear or damage.The inventor shall make all decisions considering the length of a lease, the condition in which a property was provided, and the quality of the fixture, fittings and furniture effected.
The process ensures landlords receive appropriate compensation for excessive damage and that tenants are not subject to fictitious or disproportionate charges against their deposits. It also ensures properties are returned in the same level of cleanliness.
Tenant Accompanied Re-Check
Available to tenants vacating a property, the re-check shall be undertaken on the final day of the lease in the same way as a standard re-check. The only change being the tenant can accompany the inventor around the property as the report is compiled. The inventor only considers the information provided in the original inventory and no comments made during the inspection by the tenant can be considered. The service ensures that tenants are aware of the cleaning and charges that will be listed in the re-check which in turn reduces disagreement between agents and the tenant’s works to increase the time in which the deposit is returned.