Q. What is an inventory?

A. An inventory is a list of everything that is provided with a property being rented, it includes furniture, carpets, curtains, appliances and kitchenware. It also states the condition that everything is in i.e. If anything was already damaged, marked or worn before the start of a lease.

Q. Who benefits from an independent inventory being conducted on a property?

A. An inventory being undertaken before the start of a lease is to the benefit of both the landlord and tenant as it proves the condition of the property at the start of the lease. It therefore protects the landlord's property while ensuring that the tenant's deposit can only have deductions made due to actual damage or cleaning required. Should any issues arise an inventory is admissible in court as proof to resolve any such disputes.

Q. Do Source Inventories include photographs?

A. Yes, using new software enables us to provide high quality detailed photographs showing the contents of the property & close ups of any damage at the beginning or end of tenancy.

Q. What is covered in a re-check?

A. All items detailed in an original inventory are considered at a re-check, any additional comments made by the tenants when checking the inventory at entry are also considered to ensure that the most unbiased report is collated and produced. Obviously if tenants do not make any additional comments or fail to return a signed copy of the document, the re-check is undertaken with an original copy.

Q. What is considered fair wear and tear?

A. When calculating fair wear and tear an inventor considers several factors. Most importantly the lease duration is considered, allowable wear and tear shall be far more after a long lease as opposed to a shorter lease. Other factors considered include the number of people allowed to stay at the property, animals that were kept and whether permission for this was granted, and the condition of the property at entry.

Q. How are costs attributed for damages and dilapidations?

A. Cleanliness is a major consideration on the undertaking of our inventories. As a result any cleaning that is attributed to the tenant shall be listed in order that a cleaning company can easily follow what they are required to undertake to return the property to the condition at entry. Cleaners will charge for the time they require to complete all cleaning. Damage is either charged in the form of depreciation, where a figure is charged which is deemed appropriate towards the rectifying of the issue. Where an item or object no longer works, the inventor may instruct that someone is asked to fix it and the cost attributed entirely towards the past tenant.

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Source Property Services is a division of Aberdeen Property Leasing Ltd
Registered in Scotland No 141851 | VAT Registration No 498 1822 04